9 Nov 2011


I'm happy to say that I am now part of the Australian Institute of Sport. I was inducted into the program on Tuesday evening at the new triathlon base at Pizzey Park, Gold Coast. With the rich history of amazing athletes before me and the ones which I was surrounded by, I am now proud to be included in the group. The newly renovated AIS headquarters has been the base for sprint canoe/kayak for some time, now the triathlon program has moved from Canberra to join them. The bonus for me is that the centre is a couple of km’s from home so I’ve been loving the short cruiser bike ride to the gym. It’s also been good doing my gym program alongside the kayak and swimmers. It’s a fun environment and it’s always interesting to listen to some of their experiences and hear some of the things they do in training. 

Its hot, dry and windy on the Gold Coast but I'm not complaining, nothing beats a post-run beach swim! Also sending all my luck to my friends who are in the midst of end of sem exams at uni, so stressful but they're smart ;)


  1. Caitlin Anderson9 November 2011 at 19:05

    Awwww your a bit cute. <3 you!

  2. FAT! What an achievement, I feel like a proud mum.
